5 Ways to Accelerate your Spiritual Ascension
What is Ascension? It's the “in” word in spiritual communities… But what is it? What is spiritual awakening? Ascension is when you're...

Bodywork Modalities & Choosing the Right Therapist
With over 350 Bodywork & Holistic Modalities how can one possibly know what to pick? Energy Healing? And how to pick a therapist who kno

Energy can be Shocking!
Energy. We use it every day. It runs our tv, our computer, our lights and now our cars. We carry it in our pockets as our ‘life line’...

From the Ashes we will Rise - Phoenix Lessons
Today is the Summer Solstice and there has been one spirit animal, who not only has helped me transform my life recently, but who also...

What is Energy Healing? Is it Real?
As an alternative healer practicing over 6 different energy modalities (Reiki, Ka Shen Sekhem, Energy Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Crystal...